TGS Consulta


Our operations in terms of global security risk management cut across boundaries, territories and borders. Although our head office is based in the United Kingdom, our major fields of operation are primarily within the African geographical region. Intelligence collection and processing however is of a global nature. We understand that geo-political borders do not limit global security threats including terrorism and other forms of criminality; therefore we have developed strong links in terms of our network and partnerships with Western agencies.

In the fight against terrorism in particular and other forms of criminality in general, one has to first assess the level of risk posed. Having assessed the degree of potential harm, targeted and calculated measures can then be put in place to prevent, combat and where necessary, ultimately eliminate the risk. We at TGS specialize in managing such risks from detection through to successfully reducing their potency over time and eventually isolating them completely. With the African continent recently seeing rapid levels of economic growth, a trajectory which is expected to continue, Western governments, public and private bodies who have interests in Africa also expect to see an increased level of potential or real attacks on their assets. By virtue of our strong knowledge of the African region, we will effectively manage such risks and therefore prevent any resulting attacks.

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